
Crash and burn or turn and churn? Everyone wants to know what will happen next with the stock market. Hear my latest thoughts on the Fed and how their softening stance on inflation and interest rates may be the key to a big market rebound.

Investors are fear-stricken by rumors of an impending stock market crash that will wipe out their hard-earned assets. Others are buying and selling stocks like it's going out of style. What is the prudent thing to do in times of economic uncertainty?

What is Christian Wealth Management and why should I work with them instead of someone else?

Join Christian Wealth Management and Eventide Asset Management as we explore nearly 150 years of “Timeless Truths for Investing”.

It's official, the US economy entered recession territory after Q2 GDP numbers were published in July of 2022. But what does that mean for the average investor? Should one be taking extra caution or changing their investment strategy?

We all have values. These values shape our lives and the big decisions we make. Should our investments have values too? Learn the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind values-based investing.

Have you ever wondered how your investments could make a real impact in the world? Learn how investing has shaped the world around us for centuries and how you can be a force for positive change now and in the future.

Watch my full-length interview on biblical investing with Patrick Antonucci, host and founder of the Dad Hackers podcast.



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