I wish I could say I always understood and pursued biblical investing—but that simply isn’t the case! Hear about my struggle and discovery process as I moved from skepticism to fully embracing it for myself and my clients.

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“…I just want to help people…”

When I was a kid, my parents would ask me what I want to be when I grow up. My answer would go something like, “I dunno, I just want to help people because there is so much negativity in the world.” Don’t ask me how I came to that conclusion before the age of 12—I had a pretty average childhood in suburban California! I suppose some things are set in our hearts from a very young age, perhaps before we’re even born. My passions haven’t changed much since then. For many years, I worked as a personal banker helping members of a credit union with their financial needs. During that time, I also served my church by spending three years leading a men’s discipleship house in downtown San Jose. After graduating college and getting married to my wife Sarah, I made a career transition into financial planning at MetLife. I specialized in providing financial education to thousands of Fortune 500 employees needing help with their retirement planning, investments and group benefits. (continued below)


“…the most exciting part of my career.”

Looking back, it’s easy to say I experience the most satisfaction in life when serving others and making a difference in the world around me. Since starting the business at CWM, I’ve been able to go even deeper in this passion by helping like-minded people align their dollars with their values. This has truly been the most exciting part of my career. My clients are conscientious investors who are just as much a part of the CWM vision as I am. They understand the impact their investments have on human life and they’re motivated to do good for society by practicing biblical principles of wealth stewardship. It’s an amazing feeling to wake up every morning and go to work knowing that together we are changing the culture of Wall Street by practicing Kingdom values in personal finance.


THE team behind the scene

They say a man is only as good as the woman that stands behind him. Since day one, my wife Sarah has always encouraged me on this journey to seek out and share Kingdom financial principles . She has been and continues to be my biggest advocate and her commitment to the mission of CWM stands unwavering.

Sarah and I met at church in 2011 and quickly became friends serving alongside each other in the young adult ministry. After a couple years of dating and engagement, we got married in 2014. Since then, God has blessed us with two amazing children. Before kids, Sarah and I had the opportunity to travel to some amazing places around the world (and meet some truly special people). Our favorite destinations to date are Kauai and Scotland. We are excited for the day when our kids are old enough to join us on these family excursions!

Sarah and I have been active in Christian ministry since we got married in 2014. We have served as elders and pastors of churches and are passionate about seeing God revive His people and the culture around us. We believe God is in the business of redeeming people and institutions and that biblical investing is aligned with the heart of God to redeem Wall Street and His people’s perspective on money. To that end, we press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippines 3:14)